Free Printable Book Of Mormon Reading Chart

Free printable book of mormon reading chart: embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth with this essential tool. Discover the power of tracking your progress and staying motivated to read the Book of Mormon with our comprehensive guide.

In this article, we will explore the design, usage, customization, and additional resources related to the reading chart. Whether you’re a seasoned reader or just starting your spiritual journey, this guide has everything you need to enhance your Book of Mormon study experience.

Introduction to a Free Printable Book of Mormon Reading Chart

Free printable book of mormon reading chart

A reading chart is a visual tool that helps individuals track their progress while reading the Book of Mormon. It typically consists of a grid or table with the chapters or sections of the book listed along with corresponding boxes or spaces to mark off when each section is read.

The purpose of a reading chart is to provide structure and motivation for consistent and organized reading of the Book of Mormon.

The Benefits of Using a Reading Chart, Free printable book of mormon reading chart

Using a reading chart can offer several benefits to individuals who are reading the Book of Mormon. Here are some key advantages:

  • 1. Accountability:A reading chart provides a visual representation of progress, allowing readers to see how much they have read and how much is left. This accountability can help individuals stay committed to their reading goals and maintain a consistent reading habit.

  • 2. Organization:With the chapters or sections of the Book of Mormon listed on the chart, readers can easily keep track of where they are and where they need to go next. This organization can prevent confusion and help readers navigate through the book more efficiently.

  • 3. Motivation:As readers mark off each section on the chart, they experience a sense of accomplishment and progress. This can be highly motivating and encourage readers to continue reading and reaching their goals.
  • 4. Visualization:The visual representation of a reading chart allows readers to see their progress at a glance. This visualization can help readers comprehend the scope and magnitude of their reading journey, inspiring a deeper appreciation for the Book of Mormon.

Personal Experiences and Testimonies

Many individuals have found great value in using reading charts while reading the Book of Mormon. Some have shared their personal experiences and testimonies of the impact it has had on their spiritual growth and understanding of the scriptures.

  • One reader shared that using a reading chart helped them stay focused and engaged during their reading. It provided structure and a clear path to follow, which enhanced their overall reading experience.
  • Another reader mentioned how using a reading chart allowed them to break down the Book of Mormon into manageable sections. This made it easier to digest and comprehend the teachings and principles within the book.
  • Several individuals have expressed how the visual representation of their progress on the reading chart gave them a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue reading. It helped them build consistency and establish a habit of daily scripture study.
  • Many readers have testified that using a reading chart deepened their connection with the Book of Mormon and strengthened their testimony of its truthfulness. It allowed them to immerse themselves in the scriptures and gain a deeper understanding of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

By using a reading chart, individuals can enhance their reading experience of the Book of Mormon, stay organized and motivated, and strengthen their testimonies. It is a valuable tool that can assist in the journey of gaining spiritual insights and personal revelation from the scriptures.

Design and Layout of a Free Printable Book of Mormon Reading Chart

Free printable book of mormon reading chart

Creating a well-designed and visually appealing reading chart for the Book of Mormon is important to enhance the reading experience and encourage consistent progress. Here are some key elements to include and design options to consider when creating a printable reading chart.

Key Elements for a Book of Mormon Reading Chart

  • Book of Mormon divisions: Include the major divisions of the Book of Mormon, such as books or volumes, to provide a clear structure for reading.
  • Chapter numbers: List the chapter numbers in a clear and organized manner to help readers track their progress.
  • Checkboxes or progress markers: Include checkboxes or other progress markers next to each chapter to allow readers to easily mark their progress.
  • Date tracker: Add a section to record the dates on which each chapter or division was read, helping readers keep track of their reading schedule.
  • Inspiring quotes or scriptures: Consider including inspiring quotes or scriptures from the Book of Mormon to motivate readers and provide additional spiritual nourishment.

Design Options and Styles

When it comes to designing a Book of Mormon reading chart, there are various options and styles to choose from. Here are a few design ideas:

  • Clean and minimalist: Opt for a simple and clean design with ample white space to ensure readability and focus on the content.
  • Colorful and vibrant: Use vibrant colors and visually appealing graphics to make the chart more engaging and enjoyable to use.
  • Thematic design: Incorporate elements from the Book of Mormon, such as relevant illustrations or symbols, to create a chart that resonates with readers.
  • Modern and sleek: Choose a modern and sleek design with a contemporary font and layout to attract readers who prefer a more modern aesthetic.

Tips for Creating an Aesthetically Pleasing and Easy-to-Use Reading Chart

Here are some tips to help you create a reading chart that is both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly:

  • Choose a legible font: Select a font that is easy to read, even in smaller sizes, to ensure readability throughout the chart.
  • Organize information logically: Arrange the chapters and divisions in a logical order that aligns with the structure of the Book of Mormon.
  • Use clear and concise labels: Clearly label each section and provide brief instructions or explanations to guide users through the chart.
  • Consider printable formats: Design the chart in a format that can be easily printed, such as a PDF or high-resolution image, for convenient use.
  • Provide ample space for marking progress: Leave enough space next to each chapter or division for readers to mark their progress without crowding the chart.

By incorporating these elements and design considerations, you can create a visually appealing and user-friendly Book of Mormon reading chart that enhances the reading experience and encourages consistent progress.

How to Use a Free Printable Book of Mormon Reading Chart

Lds chart reading mormon book scripture study seminary

To effectively use a free printable Book of Mormon reading chart, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Download and Print the Chart

Start by downloading the free printable Book of Mormon reading chart from a reliable source. Once downloaded, print it out on a suitable paper size.

2. Set Your Reading Goals

Before you start using the chart, determine your reading goals. Decide how many pages or chapters you want to read each day or week. Setting realistic goals will help you stay motivated and consistent.

3. Track Your Progress

As you read through the Book of Mormon, use the reading chart to track your progress. You can do this by highlighting or crossing off the chapters or pages you have read. This visual representation of your progress will inspire you to continue reading.

4. Use a Reading Schedule

To stay organized and ensure you complete the entire book, create a reading schedule. Divide the total number of chapters or pages by the number of days or weeks you have set for reading. This will give you a daily or weekly target to achieve.

5. Find a Reading Routine

Establish a consistent reading routine that works best for you. Whether it’s in the morning, during lunch breaks, or before bedtime, find a time when you can dedicate uninterrupted focus to reading the Book of Mormon.

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6. Reflect and Apply

As you read, take time to reflect on the teachings and messages in the Book of Mormon. Consider how you can apply these principles in your daily life. This reflection will enhance your understanding and connection with the scriptures.

7. Stay Accountable

Share your reading goals and progress with a friend, family member, or study group. Being accountable to someone else will help you stay motivated and committed to your reading.

8. Adjust and Adapt

If you find that your initial reading goals are too challenging or not challenging enough, don’t hesitate to adjust them. Be flexible and adapt your reading schedule as needed to ensure a fulfilling reading experience.

Methods for Tracking Progress on the Chart

To track your progress effectively on the Book of Mormon reading chart, consider the following methods:

  • Color Coding: Assign different colors to represent different levels of progress. For example, use one color for chapters you have read completely and another color for chapters you have partially read.
  • Checkmarks or Crosses: Use checkmarks or crosses to indicate the completion of chapters or pages. This simple method allows for quick and easy tracking.
  • Stickers or Symbols: Use stickers or symbols to mark your progress. You can choose symbols that are meaningful to you or represent key themes from the Book of Mormon.
  • Progress Bars: Create progress bars on the chart to visually represent the completion percentage of the entire book. Fill in the bars as you read more chapters or pages.

Strategies for Staying Motivated and Consistent

To stay motivated and consistent in your Book of Mormon reading using the chart, consider the following strategies:

  • Set Rewards: Plan rewards for yourself as you achieve reading milestones. It could be something as simple as treating yourself to a favorite snack or taking a break to do something enjoyable.
  • Join a Reading Group: Join a Book of Mormon reading group or participate in online communities where you can discuss your progress, insights, and questions with others. The support and engagement from like-minded individuals can keep you motivated.
  • Pray for Guidance: Before you start reading, say a prayer asking for guidance and understanding. This spiritual connection can deepen your motivation and help you find meaning in your readings.
  • Take Notes: Keep a journal or notebook to jot down your thoughts, questions, and favorite verses as you read. This practice will help you stay engaged and make the reading experience more personal.
  • Find an Accountability Partner: Pair up with a friend or family member who is also reading the Book of Mormon. Share your progress regularly and discuss insights. Having someone to discuss your reading with can provide additional motivation.

Remember, the purpose of using a Book of Mormon reading chart is to enhance your spiritual journey and deepen your understanding of the scriptures. Stay committed, stay motivated, and enjoy the blessings that come from consistent scripture study.

Customizing a Free Printable Book of Mormon Reading Chart

Free printable book of mormon reading chart

Personalizing the reading chart is important as it allows individuals to tailor their reading experience to their specific needs and preferences. By customizing the chart, readers can enhance their understanding and engagement with the text, making it a more meaningful and enjoyable experience.

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Here are some ideas and suggestions for customizing the chart:

Adding Notes

One way to customize the reading chart is by adding personal notes. This could involve jotting down insights, reflections, or questions that arise while reading the Book of Mormon. These notes can help readers remember important points, track their progress, and provide a space for personal growth and reflection.

Highlighting Sections

Another option is to use highlighters or colored pens to mark specific sections or verses that resonate with the reader. This can serve as a visual reminder of important passages and make it easier to find and review them later.

Highlighting can also help readers focus on key themes or teachings they want to remember.

Examples of Customized Reading Charts

Many individuals have found creative ways to customize their Book of Mormon reading charts. Here are a few examples:

  • Color-Coded Chart:Some readers use different colors to represent different categories or themes in the Book of Mormon. For example, they may use one color for passages related to faith, another color for passages about love, and so on. This helps them visually organize and analyze the content.

  • Artistic Chart:Some readers incorporate artistic elements into their reading charts, such as illustrations or hand-lettered quotes. This adds a creative touch and makes the chart visually appealing, making the reading experience more enjoyable.
  • Interactive Chart:Some readers create interactive charts by using sticky notes, tabs, or movable markers. This allows them to easily navigate through the Book of Mormon and quickly locate specific passages or sections of interest.

Remember, the key is to customize the reading chart in a way that suits your personal preferences and enhances your reading experience. Whether it’s through notes, highlighting, or other creative methods, customizing the chart can help you connect with the scriptures on a deeper level.

Additional Resources and Tools for Book of Mormon Study

Free printable book of mormon reading chart

While the free printable Book of Mormon reading chart can greatly enhance your study experience, there are also other resources and tools that can be used alongside it to further enrich your understanding of the scriptures. Here are some recommendations:

Study Guides

Having a study guide can provide valuable insights and explanations as you read the Book of Mormon. Consider using the following study guides:

  • 1. “The Book of Mormon Made Easier” by David J. Ridges: This series breaks down the Book of Mormon into manageable sections with helpful explanations.
  • 2. “A Companion to Your Study of the Book of Mormon” by Daniel H. Ludlow: This comprehensive guide provides historical context, doctrinal insights, and study aids.
  • 3. “The Book of Mormon Study Guide” by Thomas R. Valletta: This guide offers chapter summaries, discussion questions, and additional resources for deeper study.


Commentaries can offer scholarly perspectives and interpretations of the Book of Mormon. Consider exploring the following commentaries:

  • 1. “The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, Maxwell Institute Study Edition” edited by Grant Hardy: This edition includes insightful footnotes and introductions to each book of the Book of Mormon.
  • 2. “The Book of Mormon: A Reader’s Edition” edited by Grant Hardy: This edition presents the text of the Book of Mormon in a reader-friendly format, making it easier to follow along and understand.
  • 3. “Understanding the Book of Mormon: A Reader’s Guide” by Grant Hardy: This guide provides historical and literary context, helping readers navigate the complexities of the Book of Mormon.

Online Resources

The internet offers a wealth of resources for studying the Book of Mormon. Consider exploring the following online platforms:

  • 1. Official Church Websites: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides various online resources, including the official Book of Mormon website and Gospel Library app, which contains study helps and additional materials.
  • 2. This website offers a vast collection of General Conference talks, articles, and study guides related to the Book of Mormon.
  • 3. Book of Mormon Central: This website provides articles, videos, and research materials to enhance your understanding of the Book of Mormon.

Incorporating Different Study Methods

While using the reading chart, you can also incorporate different study methods or techniques to deepen your understanding and engagement with the Book of Mormon. Here are some tips:

  • 1. Journaling: Write down your thoughts, impressions, and questions as you read. Reflecting on your personal insights can enhance your learning experience.
  • 2. Group Study: Join a study group or invite friends and family to discuss the Book of Mormon together. Sharing perspectives can broaden your understanding.
  • 3. Cross-Referencing: Look up related scriptures and connect the teachings found throughout the Book of Mormon. This can help you gain a more comprehensive view of the gospel.
  • 4. Memorization: Select meaningful verses or passages to commit to memory. This can deepen your connection with the scriptures and provide strength in times of need.

By utilizing these additional resources and tools, along with the free printable Book of Mormon reading chart, you can enhance your study of the scriptures and gain a deeper appreciation for the teachings found within.

Sharing and Collaborating with a Free Printable Book of Mormon Reading Chart

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Sharing the Book of Mormon reading chart with others can have numerous benefits. It allows individuals to stay accountable in their reading goals and provides a sense of community and support. When we share the chart with others, we can inspire and motivate each other to stay consistent in our scripture study.

Here are some ideas for group study or using the chart in a family setting:

Group Study

  • Form a small study group with friends, family, or fellow church members. Each member can use the printable reading chart and track their progress together.
  • Designate a specific time and place for group study sessions. This can create a structured environment for focused discussion and collaboration.
  • Assign different chapters or sections of the Book of Mormon to each group member. Encourage them to study and prepare insights to share with the group.
  • During group study sessions, discuss the insights and impressions gained from reading the assigned chapters. Share personal experiences and thoughts related to the scriptures.
  • Use the reading chart as a guide for group discussions. Reflect on the themes, messages, and teachings found in the Book of Mormon.

Family Setting

  • Print out multiple copies of the reading chart for each family member. Display them in a visible area of the house, such as a bulletin board or refrigerator.
  • Set a regular time for family scripture study. Encourage everyone to use the chart to track their progress and discuss their thoughts and impressions.
  • Create a reward system or incentive for family members who consistently complete their reading goals. This can further motivate and engage everyone in the study of the Book of Mormon.
  • During family scripture study, take turns sharing favorite verses or insights gained from the assigned chapters. This allows for meaningful discussions and strengthens family bonds.
  • Encourage older family members to mentor and guide younger ones in their scripture study. The reading chart can serve as a visual aid for younger children to track their progress and feel a sense of accomplishment.

Collaborating and Discussing Insights

  • Share your thoughts, impressions, and insights gained from the Book of Mormon with others who are using the reading chart. This can be done through social media platforms, online forums, or in-person discussions.
  • Collaborate with others by organizing virtual study groups or book clubs. Use video conferencing tools to facilitate discussions and share different perspectives on the scriptures.
  • Utilize online resources and tools, such as study guides or commentaries, to deepen your understanding of the Book of Mormon. Discuss these additional insights with others who are also using the reading chart.
  • Consider participating in community events or initiatives centered around the study of the Book of Mormon. This allows for collaboration, networking, and learning from a wider range of individuals.

By sharing and collaborating with others using the free printable Book of Mormon reading chart, we can enhance our scripture study experience, gain new perspectives, and strengthen our testimonies of the gospel.